Thursday, May 07, 2009

new toy

Mirror of Truth pretty sweet...

Burned through H AN, H CoS (daily) and H VH tonight. Got the timed achievement on CoS with a couple of mates and 2 good pugs. Didn't get the drake, but we're going to try to run it regularly until we all have it.

I'm happy that I currently have my Expertise balanced (26) and my Hit pretty much where it needs to be for 25 mans (277). While a bit more would help me hit the PHC in heroics, I'd have to gimp myself and really I'm still doing well on the meters in heroics unless there's a ton of AoE, where extra hit won't help me anyway. 2771 AP with another 1670 from trinket procs and on-use.

Wondering actually if it might be wise to cook up some +crit food and start stacking crit gems, as the Mirror of Truth procs on crit (not on hit)? Yet another reason to use Cold Blood whenever not on cooldown too.

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