Logged on, took a boat to Borean Tundra, the guild decided to do a run through Utgarde Keep and we one-shotted the place. The last boss was still pretty tricksy, and after a battle rez I ended up doing an honest to god Evasion tank FTW. A glorious way to start in Northrend.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Burning Crusade
So that, appropriately enough, concludes the Burning Crusade for Cat. It's been quite a ride. What do I remember?
- Running through the Dark Portal for the first time.
- The Kara attunement chain.
- My very first Kara run, also my very first Pinnacle
run, and my very first raid. Prince and Nightbane. Malchazeen. - The grind for Mongoose mats that I ended up doing 4 times.
- 375 Leatherworking, and the Primal Intent set that I only finally laid to rest this week.
- Electricmonk, Tempalilacu, Quron, all the guys from
Pinnacle and the Knights Templar. - Crystalgypsy giving me most of the gold for my flying mount (thanks hun).
- The grind for, and eventual high from, my Swiftstrike Shoulders.
- Being useless in PvP.
- Getting Lurker down, and the fishing grind that I never used to fish him out.
- Rage Winterchill.
- Racing home from the airport with WoW on my laptop in the cab, talking over the Naj'entus fight, and then dropping him as soon as I walked into my house.
Lichy, you're on notice baby.

Black Temple
Yay Pinnacle! We finally made it into BT and had a blast. High Warlord Naj'entus and Supremus went down like cheap tents (one-shotting both) and we only called it because it was getting late and people wanted to rest up for launch night tomorrow.
It was a pretty funny run for me - my flight ran late and I missed the start of the raid, which had me absolutely spewing. I finally logged in from the cab at about 8pm, and thanks to my awesome guild still got an invite. I sat through the Naj'entus brief on vent in the cab, and as soon as I got home I paid the guy, folded up my laptop (still running WoW with the WiBb dongle connected) and ran for the office. I knew there would be a good chance my wife would be putting the kids to bed, and it was so. Dropped Naj'entus on the laptop over WiBb (didn't want to risk a DC switching to WiFi), then went inside for a bio and family catchup :)
The Naj'entus fight went well - I managed to get spiked twice! I was healed through the first one, but the second was right at the end of the fight (literally in the last 1%) and it wasn't worth the heals. Supremus didn't go so well for me, as I was dumb enough to chase him around in melee range in phase 2. Surprise surprise, I got one-shotted.
Some great loot dropped, and I was lucksy enough to roll a 100 on the Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life from Supremus.
So if I'm right that takes Pinnacle to:
- Before the patch: 5/6 SSC, 2/4 TK, 1/5 MH
- After the patch: 6/6 SSC, 3/4 TK, 3/5 MH, 2/9 BT

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally finished off ZA tonight, downing Jan'alai, Hex Lord Malacrass and Zul'jin for the first time. Got some seriously phat lewt, with both the Bladeangel's Money Belt and the Grimgrin Faceguard falling for me. Thank you ZA for a seriously cool hat.
Also hit the Sunwell trash for the first time, though only one sunmote dropped. Still, seeing the whole guild showing in Sunwell was still pretty cool. BT on Wednesday, and if we can drop just one boss, I'll be a happy tranny.
WWS for tonight, I'll analyse it tomorrow. Probably still quite sketchy though.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
messing with the nubs
I had a little bit of fun with Merry last night, helping my brother level his huntard. Ploddy is a brand newbie to WoW and kinda digs on the PvP, so was getting into the duels with Merry and my youngest brother's pally. All good, a good way to learn PvP in a safe environment.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Some feedback from the very helpful Timeless (EU Norkal) on the below has alerted me to the preference for Envenom over Eviscerate for a Mutilate finisher. Also it appears (thanks Daemona of EU Destromath) that Windfury has been reworked and no longer requires dropping the OH poison. Good and bad - good because I don't need to worry about it so much, bad because it means I had the benefit of it in ZA, increasing my potential DPS quite a bit, and still only pulled 1176!
So given that Eviscerate is gone from the rotation, do I use Cold Blood on Mutilate or Envenom?
evaluating Mutilate/HfB, continued
By way of example, here is my WWS report from my very first ever venture into Zul'Aman. Should probably start with a caveat - I suck at the moment. I haven't been raiding much, have a totally new build, and a new Nostromo to get used to. So, expectations suitably lowered, let's proceed...
- I violated the first commandment twice, both on Halazzi (although one was a wipe, so that doesn't really count). Slap on wrist.
- first of all: the chart (bosses only, trash doesn't really count). Damage out looks good, second only to Gank who is a pretty awesome rogue (10/51/0 Combat Swords). 1176 DPS which is well below my theoretical maximum from the spreadsheet of 1980. Of course that is unattainable with ramp up times etc, but I should do better than 1176. Damage in looks OK for melee DPS, below the tanks and above the ranged classes. Gank does a better job at avoiding being hit. Heals, looks like I did a good job of taking care of my own healing, but if I was better at avoiding getting hit I wouldn't need it so much! Still, I'm glad I wrote that /userandom healing macro to spam.
- On to boss fight individual stats. Swing at 36% is low, that is because I'm still getting used to keeping SnD up with Eviscerate/Rupture. 20% of my Swing misses, so I could use some more +hit. Only 13 Eviscerates and probably roughly the same number of Ruptures seems a bit low. Flipping to Gains, Buffs & Debuffs explains that to some degree - 12 SnD gains in 5 boss fights! So I let it drop at least once in each fight, which diverted combos to reinstating it. Back to Abilities - 5 (4 + 1 crit) Envenoms looks ok (assuming at the end of the 4 successful fights, plus a mis-hit extra). The single Backstab is a remnant of Combat Daggers muscle memory :) Eviscerate crit % is very low at 11%, I should probably save Cold Blood for Eviscerates as they do kickass damage when they crit.
- Back across to Gains, Buffs & Debuffs: Gained HfB 16 times! 0 is the number I'm looking for there, as it should be active before the fight begins. So I let it drop on average thrice in every fight. Not good at all, that's 180 energy in each fight, or three Mutilates - which means 7 or so combos, so all in all it's 12k or so damage per fight, just from letting it drop (about 7% of my damage on Nalorakk). It also means I spent a period of the fights (no idea how long) doing 9% less damage than I could have been. 5 gains of Lust for Battle, 3 of Ferocity and only 2 of Drums of Battle mean I'm not using trinkets and drums nearly enough. I don't have Haste potions, so that's missing, as is Thistle Tea which I haven't used in awhile. Probably should get back into the tea.
- External buffs: Windfury is totally absent, 8 Unleashed Rage and only one Battle Shout? Flip to the shammy shows he was dropping Windfury, so I should have dropped my offhand Instant to grab the Windfury buff.
- Keep HfB and SnD up!!! HfB drops cost me about 7%+ off my possible DPS.
- Keep trinkets and drums going
- Cold Blood -> Eviscerate Mutilate/Envenom, see the next blog post
- Look out for Windfury no longer required, see the next blog post
- Get the Tea going again
Saturday, October 25, 2008
evaluating a 51/x/x HfB rogue
Vulajin at Elitist Jerks has long held the title of author of the most useful post for a raiding rogue. However with the release of 3.0.2 and the ascendancy of Mutilate/HfB for raiding, it does need some updating. He's stated that it won't be updated until Wrath is released and people are raiding at 80 on regular servers, so here's a starter summary. I don't pretend to be an expert in mathcraft or even general roguery outside the specs I play, but I do raid a bit and have seen every raid in WoW/BC except BT. Additionally, the only toon I raid on is my rogue.
The Commandments are still very applicable, with an amendment for HfB. A 3-stack HfB gives you a flat 9% DPS buff. Renewing it before it expires costs you 30 energy. Bringing it up afterwards costs you 90 energy. No debate, keep it up at all times.
- Don't die.
- Don't do anything that risks wiping the raid.
- Maximize your time on target.
- Don't let your energy cap out.
- Don't let SnD or HfB drop.
- Use one of the spreadsheets to figure out your best cycle; this will usually be the highest Rupture uptime cycle that doesn't violate rule 4 or 5.
- Use your cooldowns.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well Hyjal is still as much fun as I remember. Tonight I was there for guild-first kills of Anetheron and Kaz'rogal. Both great fights.
2 wipes on Azgalor beat us but it was a great way to start getting used to my new build. Combos just keep coming, it's incredible. It's tough remembering to keep up Hunger for Blood and I'm slowly adjusting to the new hotkeys for my trinkets, Deadly Throw and pots/bandages. The decision tree for combos is interesting though - 1) SnD if it's down, 2) Rupture if it's down or going to expire, 3) HfB if it's down or going to expire, 4) Eviscerate. The free SnD refresh from Cut to the Chase is brilliant - but you do feel like allowing SnD to expire without getting an Eviscerate off is a waste of combos in getting SnD back up. Same with allowing HfB to drop. There is a real emphasis on not allowing those timed abilities to drop, because there is a real energy/combo penalty if you do. Yay ClassTimer.
2 of my brothers just started playing - Ploddy (Draenei Hunter) and Ponendus (Draenei Pally). A brother of mine a huntard. Ugh!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Going Down
Well as soon as I saw this Going Down achievement I thought I'd better get it. Of course, a Rogue does get some resistance to falling damage, and I could get a pally to bubble me or something, but I really wanted to do it myself.
- You'll run off too low. No achievement, try again.
- You'll run off too high. And die.
- You'll run off in the right zone, take a huge whack of falling damage, live and get the achievement the hardcore way. Like me.
Friday, October 17, 2008
more songs
Once I'd finished Evasion Tank FTW I listened to some more Dos Gringos and have some more lyrics in development for the following songs:
- Jeremiah Weed (tentatively titled Roguey Thistle Tea)
- The Bitch Spent All My Money (tentatively My Alts Spent All My Money)
Watch this space. Obviously there's a lyrics warning on those songs. The clue's in the title.
Evasion Tank FTW
So I just got back from New Zealand. I've had one hour's sleep since 6am Thursday (Brisbane time). And due to the entirely inconsiderate person next to me, who had a bladder with the strength of a piece of wet toast, I had three hours to contemplate my navel with a flat laptop battery and no reading material on the flight.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
raiding with Mutilate
Basically, the trick is this:
- Keep Hunger for Blood up at all times, even when not in combat. Hotkey!
- Keep up SnD as usual.
- Keep your drums and trinkets up as usual.
- Keep your DoTs up - Deadly Poison and Garotte/Rupture. Garotte is still the best opener if threat is a problem.
- Watch your threat. Feint, Vanish and if all else fails, Evasion, are there if you need them.
- Combos should be spent on SnD, Rupture, and then something that does damage. I've not decided yet if Envenom or Eviscerate are the best way to go - probably Envenom at the end of the fight, Evis + Cold Blood otherwise if you have a threat buffer. Remember that both of these will refresh SnD if you have 5/5 Cut to the Chase (which you should in a 51 point Mutilate build).
- Of course, keep an eye out for opportunities to use Kick.
- On trash, keep one eye on your squishies and intervene with a blind/gouge. You can quickly build 3 combos for a Kidney Shot with a Cold Blood/Mutilate (assuming you have 5/5 Seal Fate) - with the added advantage of a huge crit that will definitely attract their attention! It might be worth Shivving them first to get the 50% damage bonus from Mutilate.
There you go, easy!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
the patch
Well it's certainly worth a look. After a long long time in Combat Daggers, Cat is now 51/5/5 Mutilate. Even on the first night using the spec (I've never used Mutilate at all) she still pulled a clear second on the meter in a quick-pace 2 hour Kara clear tonight. I'm feeling it's a good spec!
- Mine takes 1/1 Vigor, 2/2 Quick Recovery and 2/3 Master Poisoner, but
- Cookie takes 2/2 Murder and 3/3 Turn the Tables instead.
- Cookie drops 2 points in Dual Wield Specialisation to pick up the missing 2 in Relentlesss Strikes.
Friday, October 10, 2008
a nice way to level

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Who'd have guessed. I actually enjoy priesting. It is a PITA to solo, but very easy to pick up a group and group healing is a load of fun (even though she's specced shadow). Pushing 32 now and bouncing back and forth between STV and Desolace. Ugh... STV.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
more asshattery
Ran H SP with Temp and Q last night to try to get a look at the new seasonal boss. We had to pug a tank and a DPS warrior, and that's where (as usual) the heartache began.
First, our original tank realised he was saved to SP and protested, when I politely dropped him, that he could "reset". O...K. Yes, you can - at 3am when the server resets the Heroics. Which is 6 hours away. Kthxbai.
Our replacement tank did OK until we started clearing mobs, whereupon he berated me for preventing him building rage by opening with Kidney Shot and stunning with my mace. A lengthy discussion followed, and he didn't seem to appreciate that a) KS is not an opener but requires combo points (he was thinking of Cheap Shot, which I don't generally use in groups and certainly wasn't in this one), b) I was not actually using KS except on one mob at the end of the fight where it peeled off to attack the healer due to the tank's lack of aggro, and c) I was using daggers, not maces (which I would have thought was fairly obvious).
He persisted however, and it wasn't until I pointed out that the DPS Warrior was hefting a huge two handed PvP mace that he realised maybe it wasn't me that was hurting his rage generation. Whereupon, instead of apologising, he just went quiet.
When the two warriors insisted that we bypass the seasonal boss because "there's no point" I started losing interest. Someone upstairs likes me, because at that point DCs and major lag started, and after 20 minutes of trying to log back into Lagrand, I gave up. Sorry guys, I tried, I really did.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Lurker Below - Rogue Strat
I have here re-posted the SSC Lurker Below CliffsNotes post from Roguespot, and appended my comments. Many thanks to Roguespot and the original author.
- Trash: Large groups. Greyheart Technicians are weak and stunnable, and don't hit very hard. Kill them first, with or without a tank on them. Once all the trash is dead, the water boils and kills the hungry fish. Groups include 2 caster types which heal. These will probably stay sheeped, but are susceptible to kick and KS.
- Boiling Water: 500 damage every 3 seconds. If you jump in the water, each jump causes 500 damage. If you're in the water, do not jump. Be careful when jumping back onto an island from the water not to panic and keep jumping if you miss - it's 500 damage each jump. Take an extra second to get it right.
- Poisons: Normal If you're the only rogue, Deadly is a good MH choice so you can continue doing some damage while running out for Whirls.
- Buffs: Unless you're a DPS god, you won't need Salv. Kings helps with surviving an unlucky Whirl/Geyser combo. Bring health pots.
- Phase 1: Lasts two minutes
- Whirl: Physical aoe to all in melee range. 3-4k damage, 5 yard knockback, 30 sec cooldown. BigWigs gives good warnings on the cooldown, but does not notify of the Whirl which always occurs immediately after a Spout. If you're on the outer part of the ring, you're safe from Whirl. Stand on the inner edge of the ring, so when whirl knocks you back, you won't fall off the island. OR watch the timer on whirlwind and backup to the edge of the island just before whirl, so it doesn't hit you at all. I recommend backing off to save your healer's mana, it's a long fight. See the pic below for the safe zone.
- Spout: Every 45 seconds, a water ray starts at the tank, slowly rotating in a random direction for a full turn. Over 6k damage with a huge knockback (over 30 yards). Run around the island to stay ahead of it, or drop into the water and go under so it passes overhead. You get hit with this, you're pretty much dead, and will be mocked as a tard by your raid. Easy way is to jump into the water in the centre of the ring while the spout passes overhead (it's ok if your head is bobbing out, you don't have to be completely underwater) - this way you can continue DPS. Just remember to get back out after the spout has passed so you don't get cleaned up by the Whirl.
- Geyser: Random single target for about 3k. Seems to pick you if you get whirled! Don't get whirled.
- Phase 2: Lasts one minute
- Lurker submerges and nine adds appear.
- Coilfang Ambushers (6) - Two on each outer island. Groups on those islands will take care of those. But they will ranged DPS you on the inner ring so watch your health.
- Coilfang Guardians (3) - Inner ring only. Assist off the tank. These cleave. The cleave will one shot you unless you're topped off. Don't get in front of these guys.
- Phase 1 and Phase 2 continue to alternate throughout the entire fight. On return from Phase 2, he always immediately does a spout then a whirl.
- Drops: Boots of Effortless Striking which probably won't be much use. The trash drops epics including LW recipes which are nice.
- Rotations: Now here's where there be dragons. Keep in mind I'm a die-hard dagger rogue. My general principles are these, in priority order:
- If SnD is down, get it up, even with 1 combo point (unless he's about to Whirl). 1 combo SnD should get you 16 sec SnD (with T4 and 3/3 Improved SnD) compared to roughly 33 sec with 5 combos. The Whirl timer is the thing that determines how many combos you need to use on SnD - don't use more than you need as they'll be wasted.
- Backstab. Don't SS or Shiv. Wait for it.
- If you have 5 combos up and Whirl is 25-30 sec off, SnD.
- If Whirl is impending, Shiv your combos up to 5 and Rupture.
- Otherwise if you have 5 combos up, Eviscerate for max damage.
- Rinse and repeat.

The Lurker Below
Probably the best WoW feeling to date last night... The Lurker Below went down in a cloud of stinky fish breath at 1130 last night after 8 or 9 attempts. It's a furious fight for a rogue, trying to maximise DPS, avoid the AoEs, watch health and threat and knowing that you are one stupid mistake away from dying the whole time over a 15 minute fight. Gladly I didn't make many stupid mistakes after the first two attempts, although my second (and last) death to the spout was a clanger and certainly qualifies as stupid. I won't go into detail, suffice to say that it involved a lamp post and me wondering why I couldn't run into the water. Nuff said. Dumb as a box of hammers.
The strats I'd read gave the basics, but tbh they didn't really cover all the things you need to know as a rogue on the "big fish fight" as nobody but me calls it. I'll follow this post up with a specific rogue strat post for the curious.
Also picked up a nice new LW pattern: Belt of Natural Power. The trash drops in SSC are very nice indeed. Anyone on Nagrand who wants one, let me know.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I officially hate myself. Kara was super smooth last night until about 11pm, when everyone was tired and we hit Netherspite. I just couldn't get it into my head to stop hitting him when he came out of phase 2 and promptly got myself smeared all over the tiles. Remember the threat wipe dumbass! He goes down tonight, to make it a full clear (and a quick one for us, as we did all the other bosses in 4 hours with a few new folks in the ranks).
In other news:
- Prince gave up the Netherblade Gloves, taking me to 4/5 T4 set with both set bonuses.
- First time on Wizard of Oz last night, pretty cruisy.
- Necklace experiment favours the +hit. Aldor pendant goes in the bank until I'm closer to being hit-capped - currently only 245.
- All gems and enchants in place except for my Netherblade Breeches, which I'll slap Nethercobra Leg Armor on tonight if Netherspite doesn't give up the Skulker's Greaves.
- Picked up a Pristine Fire Opal in Sethekk Halls, which went into the head
- Swift Blade of Uncertainty is the next upgrade, hopefully by the end of the week if I can get the badges together.
- First run in ZA hopefully tonight! And first look at SSC on Friday!
10 minutes to invite... final check
I've been putting together a list of things rogues should be checking 10 minutes before invites to raids. Much is common sense and straight from other guides, but it's worth thinking outside the box a little too...
- A stack of every poison (Deadly, Instant, Wound, Anaesthetic, Crippling and Mind-Numbing). You can swap out before (and even during) encounters and not worry about running out.
- Sharpening Stones if there are going to be poison-immune mobs. Expensive for the good ones - befriend a blacksmith.
- One stack (preferably 2) of Flash Powder. Other rogues often run out and will hit you up for loaners. The first time you reach for Vanish and it isn't there, you'll wish you brought more flash powder.
- 2-4 stacks of Super Healing Potions. I eat these like candy. Dead rogues do 0 DPS. Charged Crystal Focus are nice to have as well as they're on a separate cooldown to pots (though they share one with Healthstones).
- A couple of Flasks of Relentless Assault, or a stack of Major Agility Elixirs (Flask if you're expecting wipes). Actually I usually go completely with the major agi as they're cheap on my server and the flasks... aren't.
- Demonslaying Elixir if the raid calls for it. Flask of Chromatic Wonder for +resist and a good stat buff?
- Buff food: Spicy Hot Talbuk and Ravager Dog are the undisputed kings. However, also consider bringing things like Crunchy Serpent, Spicy Crawdad and Kibblers Bits: useless for the rogue directly, but casters and hunters will love you and protect you when you feed them tasty treats. For the same reason, bring a stack of Super Mana Pots to donate to your favourite healer. Nothing says "please keep me alive" like free pots.
- Full repairs.
- +resist gear and every trinket you own (even a 25% arcane resist on something like VR can save your skin). PvP trinket for Hyjal.
- With the endgame recipes available to Leatherworkers now, most rogues should be considering it as a profession. Which means you should have drums. Which means you should bring drums - I bring at least 20 Drums of Battle, plus I have a few Restoration and Panic just in case. You can't break up the stacks, so it might be worth bringing an old set of War drums in case you get begged by a less well-prepared LWer.
- One stack, preferably 2, of bandages.
- Updated Omen, DBM/BigWigs etc.
- Consider being at the stone at invite time. Yeah you may miss out on 15 mins of dailies or whatever, but someone's gotta be there to summon and it may as well be you.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
exalted with the Aldor
Exalted with the Aldor now (though I still owe Belaide 6 Fel Armaments, thanks for the loan mate). That means I now have my Greater Inscription of Vengeance and can equip my Shattered Sun Pendant of Might, which theoretically is better than the Worgen Claw Necklace. However, I lose a fair chunk of +hit, so only experimentation will tell.
Gruuls/Mags tonight.
Friday, June 06, 2008
a nice way to wake up
I quickly checked WoW mail this morning, not really expecting to find anything. Imagine my surprise when a token for the Netherblade Breeches was sitting right there. Thanks Trix and Yoso for sorting that out.
So what now?
- Meta gem for the helm (should be in the mail this afternoon)
- Save for Exceptional Stats and Assault enchants, and Nethercobra Leg Armour
- Get Aldor Rep to Exalted
- Look out for rings, trinkets, thrown weapon and a cloak in Kara and Gruuls (though there is also the Angelista's Revenge and Dory's Embrace, both for 60 Badges each)
- Run ZA, SSC and TK for the first time
- Start thinking about upgrading weapons! Maybe the Blade of Serration (105 Badges) and the Swift Blade of Uncertainty (45 Badges)? Then of course I'll need Mongoose enchants again...
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tier 4
Finished off Kara tonight without a wipe, dropping Netherspite, Chess and Prince first go. Netherspite went much better, so long as I stay away from the Netherbreath, I'm gold. Zooming the camera right out with the cameraDistancemax script helps a lot to see which way he's facing.
Was a bit disappointed with the Prince fight - I got about 75% through until Prince was surrounded by infernals, and I just couldn't get to him. In the end I died trying, which was a shame because I think I have that fight at "cake" level now.
Prince did, however, give up the Tier 4 headpiece - the Netherblade Facemask. I also bought the Master Assassin's Wristwraps with the badges I'd saved for a helm, upgraded my Violet Signet and scored the Violet Badge quest reward (useful in TK) and socketed the helm, the bracers and my Netherblade Chestpiece with 4 +8 Hit gems and a miscellaneous +crit/+AP red. A guildie is cutting a Swift Skyfire Diamond for me too.
On top of that! I got exalted with the Shattered Sun and picked up the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might which I'll leave in the bank until I'm exalted with Aldor (another 14k rep :( ).
Pretty awesome couple of days for T4 gear. Be.Imba puts me at ZA now, w00t.
Got as far as Netherspite last night, where we wiped. Tough fight, still getting used to it. Dropped Illhoof and Shade for the first time, and Attumen gave up the Worgen Claw Necklace which I was very happy to accept (saving me the 25 badges I was going to spend on the Choker of Vile Intent).
Monday, June 02, 2008
Tonight was a big one in Tier 4 raiding. I saw - and dropped - High King Maulgar and Gruul for the first time, and finally got Magtheridon down. I wouldn't say I really know any of the fights that well, though Gruul was certainly the best for me (being alive at the end). On the High King I'm not really sure what happened, I must have caught a cleave but I'm sure I didn't pull aggro. On Magtheridon it was much more clear - one of the knockbacks later in the fight bounced me in front of Mags and boom - cleaved.
Picked up tokens for the Netherblade Chestpiece and - once a minor looting error has been resolved - the Netherblade Breeches. The pants are a slight upgrade from the Fel Leather, so they'll go on straight away, but the chest is only an upgrade from the Primalstrike once properly gemmed, so I'll hold off for a little while as I collect some nice gems.
We followed up our successes in T4 with a venture into The Eye to face Fel Reaver. Tier 5 content, and isn't it a doozy. We had a bit of trouble with the trash and I accidentally caused a wipe as I was blown back into another group of adds. In my defence, I stopped and vanished as soon as I heard the aggro siren, but it was too late. Positioning is the key there I guess. I went down like a cheap tent the first (wipe) on FR but after that I hit my rhythm. It's a tough fight for melee DPS - you have to run in from 16-18 yards, take a few swipes at him then run out again before the stomping starts again. When CoS is up you can - if you time it right - light up trinkets, BF and AR and stay in through the stomping. It's a real rush pulling it off as until then you've been doing maybe 4k-8k every 13 seconds (3 secs of stomping and 10 sec DPS window) but with CoS up you get a solid 23 secs of backstabbing goodness in between stomps. I need to average 6.5k on each cycle to do my bit, which is a bit challenging at this stage.
So I finished the final attempt at the enrage with about 160k damage done and FR at 40%. We're a bit light on DPS - assuming 15 DPS types, we need to be able to pump out 300k each on average (500DPS over 10 minutes) - but ranged DPS should be able to pew pew more consistently from outside stomp range. I need to not run out too far, and not run in too far either, to maximise DPS. Still, I lived till the end on 2 of the 3 attempts, and now I know the fight. Sweet.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
a Merry milestone
In other news, Merrybelle hit level 20 last night. Good grief, how do priests keep track of all those spells? Maybe if I can get healbot to work properly, it will be a bit easier.
Friday, May 30, 2008
gear progression
So where to now?
Head: Mask of the Deceiver for 50 Badges (Netherspite and High King Maulgar also drop suitable alternatives) and an appropriate set of gems (probably the Swift Skyfire Diamond as it only requires 2 yellow and 1 red gem to get the bonus). However, if I can get myself into SSC I'll be praying to Lady Vashj for the Deathmantle Helm!
Neck: The Shattered Sun Pendant of Might once I get Exalted with the Shattered Sun Offensive (I'm halfway through Revered). The Choker of Vile Intent is a good alternative too at only 25 Badges, as the +hit is useful.
Legs: the Skulker's Greaves from Netherspite or the Netherblade Breeches from Gruul (obtained 1/6/08).
Ring: the Ring of a Thousand Marks from Prince, and/or the Garona's Signet Ring from Curator.
Trinket: The Dragonspine Trophy from Gruul would be lovely. Otherwise there's a few, including Romulo's Poison Vial from the Karazhan Opera Event and the Violet Badge once I've dropped Prince again.
Back: Drape of the Dark Reavers from Shade of Aran is probably the best bet.
Thrown: Xavian Stiletto from Illhoof is really the only option.
All the rest I'm pretty happy with currently, but if something drops I'll take it!
So: Badges, Kara, Gruuls, Gold. The usual.
we ain't in Goldshire no more, little Catheryna
600ish gold for the pattern. 1350 gold for the mats (plus leather, which I had in stock), and would have been another 150 gold if it weren't for a generous donation of Primal Air from Electricmonk. All that for one set of shoulder armour - the Swiftstrike Shoulders.
According to Shadowpanther, these sit between the Deathmantle (T5) and Slayer's (T6) in terms of effectiveness for PvE Rogues. That makes them my first ever piece of T5+ gear and I finally, finally, have a piece of gear better than Monk again. That hasn't happened since we were in our forties and he blew past me.
These put me firmly into Gruuls/Mags. Thank Elune for the dailies - without those, I never would have had the patience to grind the gold. W0000000000000000t!
Monday, May 26, 2008
New gloves, and Mags
Picked up the Grips of Deftness from some trash mobs in Kara with the Best PUG Eva TM. Slap an Assault enchant on there, and they're a very nice upgrade from the Fel Leather.
Ran Magtheridon's Lair with the guild last night. Three decent attempts, each better than the last, but we got to 10pm and called it. Shame to punch out with an hour remaining on my Flask of Relentless Assault, but I (mostly) learned the fight and didn't cause a wipe. Counts as a win at this stage of my experience and gear :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
long time no post
Well it's been quite a while since I updated the blog. So here goes:
Biggest news is that I've taken Cat across to Pinnacle
I've started a shadow priest - Merrybelle - who is now lv14. They grow up so fast! She's kinda fun to play, I never thought I'd get into a healer but I did and I do.
Gear - where do I start. Dual mongoose now on both daggers (still the same daggers), the Primal Intent set is finished, I picked up patterns for Boots of Utter Darkness and Swiftstrike Shoulders though I'm still grinding the mats for the shoulders. Boots are nice.
Got my Cenarion Expedition rep to revered, so now have the Glyph of Ferocity. Other enchants: Exceptional Stats, Assault and Dexterity.
Next is farming badges for the Bloodlust Brooch to get rid of my last green, and money for mats for the shoulders. Looking forward to seeing where things go with Pinnacle, they seem like a good bunch.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
another very good day
The big K.
I thought it would be a while before I saw it. Gear up in heroics, get some S1 and S2 weapons, finish my Primal Intent set, then I'd maybe get an invite. I reckoned without an ex-guildie, Belaide, who recently jumped ship for Pinnacle, a raiding guild.
So it turns out that their rogue was late for the final stage of their Kara run. The Prince. Bel knew I was recently keyed, sorta kinda geared, and keen as mustard. The invite came, I almost choked on my water, and I was beamed up to the gate of Karazhan.
Now The Prince isn't an easy fight for under-geared rogues. we wiped twice, and on both occasions I stayed alive all of about 40 seconds. Combination of the 1-hp enfeeble debuff and the AoE shadow nova blast got me both times. Third time though, I did better but still got killed when a nova knocked me back into one of the hellfire pools. Low stam hurt me, and I died having done about 40k damage. For a boss with over 1 million hp, I wasn't impressed with myself. Nevertheless, he dropped.
Now: the master looter asks me to roll. I say - publicly in raid chat - that I didn't contribute much to the fight, was only parachuted in 75% of the way through the instance, and didn't want to roll against anyone for loot. However, the master looter insisted and I rolled a totally gammy 86. Much to my surprise and, to be honest, guilt - I received the holy grail of Karazhan for dagger rogues: Malchazeen.
Thankfully, we went on to drop Nightbane where I carried myself far better. I only died on the first two wipes once the tanks were dead and I was pulling the dragon off the healers, and the third attempt (when we eventually dropped him) I got unlucky on the final skelly fight, wore the fireball and got aggroed by a bunch of skellies with no evasion up. Until that point, I was neck and neck with the other two rogues for DPS.
So: what started as a reputation-wrecking failure on the Prince ended nicely, got 5 of the 10 Badges of Justice I need for my next BOP epic, and I got a truly epic main hand dagger to boot. And I've still never even fought Attumen :) Having this drop means I don't need to keep saving honor for a S1 main hand, and can instead get a nice S1 offhand. Tonight.
Yeah baby.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
a big night
1. Aeonus goes down like a cheap tent in Black Morass, after 2 wipes. Grats also to Quron and Zah, and big big thanks to Sal for giving up her own chance at The Master's Key to tank for us. BM is my new favourite instance.
2. As a result, The Master's Key is mine and I can now enter Karazhan. Tits.
3. As a result of the rep gained in BM, I got the pattern for Drums of Panic which took me (finally!) to 375 Elemental Leatherworking.
4. As a result of that, I made my first BOP epic item: Primalstrike Bracers.
So, a big night no? About on par with dinging 70. Still buzzing over BM.
The Karazhan portcullis opens for me now. Phear.
Monday, February 18, 2008
my nostromo
A few people have asked now how I have my Nostromo N52 set up. Well folks, it's your lucky day.
Basically, the setup is this:
The middle row of buttons are my core attacks - SS/Shiv (I move the icons around depending on my equipment), BS, Garrotte/Rupture (depending on stealth state) and Ambush/SnD (again depending on stealth state). Above that are my core interrupts: Kick, Gouge, Kidney Shot (or Pick Pocket in stealth), Blind.
Next to blind I have bandage, so I can quickly hit the blind>bandage combo. With health pot under bandage, the right hand side becomes my healing functions.
The bottom row is Cheapshot or Blade Flurry (depending on stealth state), Trinket 1 (which will be either an AP trinket or Insignia of the Alliance), Tea or Drums (I drop the most likely one to be used into the appropriate slot before battle) and Sap (in stealth)/Distract.
Stealth, Feint and Vanish are on the bottom left of the thumb button, deliberately close together as if I'm trying to feint, there's something wrong and accidentally hitting Vanish is no big deal. Hitting feint also triggers Trinket 2, which is always an AP trinket. Feint and AP on the same key? Isn't that two opposite things? Well I make a point to always blow Trinket 2 at the start of the fight when feint kinda helps (I've usually opened with a big crit) and after that if I need to hit feint the AP trinket will probably be on cooldown.
Evasion, Sprint and Adrenaline Rush at the top right of the thumb button. The scroll wheel is next/previous target so I can quickly cycle to the one I want to put the hurt on.
Where are Cloak of Shadows, Eviscerate and the other of Shiv or SS? On the keyboard, near my arrow keys which I use for movement. There just weren't enough keys.
So that's it. The idea is that every most common function is quickly available for a twitch hit if needed. Organising them in this way helps me to remember where everything is, but it's getting to the stage of muscle memory now. It also helps that I only play a rogue - I think if I ever level Sprynkles I'll have to get another Nostromo for her so I don't have to relabel :)
a new build?
I'm thinking about a new (really, only slightly tweaked) build.
It basically gives up 1% dodge and 4% non-crit rear-attack damage to get 100% chance to silence for 2 secs with Improved Kick. I've really found I've missed that silence when grinding and in PvP. What do you think?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
And with far less drama, I got the 3rd frag with a guild group tonight. Thanks to all the folks that helped - Wev, Sal, Zah and Monk.
We followed it up with a successful run (with Sal, Lon, Quron and Temp) through Old Hillsbrad to complete the pre-req quest to get into the Black Morass for the final stage of the Kara attunement. We now have about 6 guildies all at or near the same stage, itching to get into the big one.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
the 3rd frag... or not.
So I've been reading WoWWiki a lot lately about the Kara chain, and I started reading in a lot of places that the 3rd frag was duoable with another Rogue or a Drood. After my success ninjaing the 2nd frag, I wanted to give it a try.
So, I sit in LFG for a little while casting out for a partner to give it a shot. Eventually the guildless Quron answers my call, and we book it for The Arcatraz.
Well. It all turned untidy almost immediately as the initial corridor, complete with unending stream of Horrors, cast a very strong and harsh light on our unimproved stealth abilities. Eventually we zigzagged through to the next room, only to be set back with spawns and have to try all over.
An hour passes. We make it to the Sentinel guarding the Voidie Room, which contains the treasured key frag chest. The strat guide calls for a stealth sprint and well-timed CoS, which is intended to get the rogue past the Sentinel un-destealthed, so that he (I) can pull, evasion tank and vanish (or die) to get the stealthed Drood through.
Amazingly, after the frustration of the past hour, it goes off without a hitch. First attempt, Q gets to the Kara key and hugs the corner, I make my way over to him having vanished safely, and we prepare to spank the chest guardian.
So, for one reason or another, we get the guardian to 1% before we get wiped by one of the Voidies. Shame, but we're pumped and believe it's doable. We sneak in again.
Now the problems start. I'm unable to repeat my success with the steath/CoS, and the Sentinel aggroes me. I run, evasion, and die far enough away to get Q through. Sweet, I can come back. Q settles into the corner for the wait.
And wait. And wait. I'm unable to stay stealthed through the Sentinel for another half-dozen attempts. The one time I do, a Horror on the other side runs right on top of me, destealths me and I fall under a hail of blue fists.
It's now about 2 hours into the attempt and we've decided to give it one last try. Amazingly, it works. We huddle in the corner, with the chest guardian sniffing for us, and plan the fight to the nth level of detail.
It works. The guardian goes down like a cheap tent, but Q dies to a Voidie. I'm left in evasion, with my health rapidly declining, and with the Voidie standing on top of the dead guardian, I'm unable to get a loot. I die - disappointed, exhausted and lootless.
Now: at this point you're probably thinking: "no worries - just stealth back in, loot the corpse and you're gold". And you'd be right. Unfortunately, a combination of exhaustion, frustration, a time well past midnight and having already committed to "one last try" we had a collective brain fart and hearthed out.
Q logs. I cast around YouTube looking for 3rd frag videos and something in one of them triggers an awful thought in my mind. OMG. The frag is just sitting there waiting for me to loot it.
I jump on a bird and book it back to the Arc. I stealth in, die three times on the horror corridor, but eventually get to the Sentinel. I try the stealth/sprint/CoS trick, and it fails again. I die in sight of the Key corner - where there is no sparkling loot. 40 mins after the kill, it's too late.
Yes. You're right. You STUPID BASTARD, ME!
Positive end result: Quron joined the Knights, and got the frag in a guild run the next night. I logged on 3o mins too late and missed the run. Sigh. The quest continues.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hit 370 LW tonight crafting Drums of Battle. Only, surprisingly, took 6 to go from 365-370 at yellow.
Next: Honoured with Keepers of Time, buy Drums of Panic and hit 375. Then, my friends, it's on.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I was grinding leather today (in my usual lazy fashion - BS > SnD > spam SS) when I wondered something: maybe Shiv is more effective in a front-on spam fight than SS?
Now the caveats here would be:
- combat dagger spec (I'm 15/41/5)
- dagger in MH (I have Ced's Carver)
- fast weapon in OH (I have Revenger)
SS is definitely going to beat Shiv if Combat Swords spec due to the reduced energy cost of SS and the likelihood of having a high-damage sword in the MH. However, comparing SS to Shiv with the above caveats:
- SS: 129 wpn dam + 113.5 SS dam + (170 instant poison VII dam * 20% chance to apply) = 276.5 average damage per SS
- Shiv: 107.5 wpn dam + (170 instant poison VII dam * 100% chance to apply) = 277.5 average damage per Shiv
Now of course that isn't so impressive a difference, but remembering that SS costs 45 energy (combat daggers remember) and Shiv only 35...
For a 10 second grind fight (100 energy at start plus 100 regained during fight):
SS: 276.5 dam * 4.44 cycles = 1229 total dam or 122.9 DPS
Shiv: 277.5 dam * 5.71 cycles = 1586 total dam or 158.6 DPS
So it seems that Shiv is about 29% more effective in a front-on combat daggers lazy grind fight.
Now this wasn't just to show off my dubious math skills, I have a question: what have I missed?
- I am assuming that the % chance to hit with the SS and Shiv is the same; is this correct?
- Given that Shiv is an OH attack, which usually has only 75% damage (with maxed Dual Wield Spec, as Combat Daggers should have), should I apply this?
- Any other stupid and wrong assumptions?
With the 0.75 weapon damage applied to the Shiv calculation (assuming it still gets the full damage from the poison), Shiv still comes out on top with 143 DPS vs 123 DPS.
You may say "so what, this is only applicable in very limited circumstances" and you'd be right, but hey the servers are down so why not think about this stuff? :)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Fel Skin
Completed the Fel Skin on Sunday with these beauties: Fel Leather Leggings
According to Shadowpanther's Kara Guide, I'm almost ready. The Primal Intent set and some new weapons (maybe the Gladiator's Shanker and Shiv?) are really all that remain. Mind you, getting LW from 363 to 375 plus 27k honour and 40 EOTS marks isn't exactly a doddle, but I'm not forced to sit in LFG for hours either! I'll have enough of that completing the Kara chain.
Friday, February 08, 2008
2nd frag...
Electricmonk and Zaharah helped me stealth to the 2nd Kara frag in Steamvaults this morning, score. Next: The Arcatraz for a bunch of quests and the 3rd frag. Maybe tomorrow on WoW night!
Also now have my Consortium rep only 3,000 away from Revered, which means only 110 more Zaxxis Insignias (so about 220 more Zaxxis Ethereals) or a Heroic Mana Tombs run are all that stand between me and completing my Fel Skin set.
Leatherworking now 361... So close but yet so far from the Primal Intent...
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Slabs again
Last night I got the first Kara key frag. I also witnessed the crappiest thing I've seen since playing WoW.
I was invited into a pretty solid group, all from the same (other) guild. It was a decent group; prot pally, frost mage, holy priest, a geared hunter. Solid. We cruised through the instance in about 3 hours with only 2 wipes, as far as Murmur who stopped us in our tracks. We had agreed that nobody would touch the Kara chest and after we'd had a crack at Murmur, those who had the key would leave and we could bring in guildies and friends for the key.
So three of the group drop, leaving me and the pally. Now we have a mishmash group, and the Fel Overseers have respawned, so we're having trouble getting back to Murmur. Pally starts making all sorts of noise in party chat about "we had better get that damn key" getting all tense. After a couple of attempts at getting past the Overseers, I hatch a plan to pull the guy patrolling the corridor over into a corner, evasion tank long enough to let everyone run through, then vanish or die and stealth back in. All in agreement, but before everyone is ready Pally tries to run for it and gets his skull bashed in for the effort. Sigh, wait.
So I set it up again, and as we're making sure everyone is ready, Pally does his bubble run trick again and this time the rest of the group decides that they're sick of waiting so they run through too. The tank grabs the overseer, giving the rest of the group time to get away, and I stay with the tank until I have to vanish. Tank dies, foregone conclusion.
So now it's a simple matter of the Pally returning to the tank, rezzing him, then we all stroll through for the frag right? You would think so. With the tank dead on the floor and me waiting by him to escort him through, I see "wtf" in party chat and the pally's health starts going down.
You already know what happened right?
The tank tells me to go, and I sprint into Murmur's room to find the chest open. The pally protests that it wasn't him that opened the chest, but the evidence points strongly against him. Luckily I was alive and in the instance at the time it was opened, and I can loot. The tank, because of his self-sacrificing grabbing of the Overseer to save the rezzer, doesn't get it. I hearth out in disgust.
Just imagine if I had done my pull to let the group through, died, and after 4 hours of Slabs, get the frag ninjad? I was furious enough as it was just seeing the tank miss out, I think I would have hunted the guy down if it had been me.
Anyway, (takes pill) tick.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Note to self: Bracers need an upgrade. Try Find Spy To'gun for Spymistress's Wristguards (apparently soloable as a rogue).
*Edit* soloed this today. Very simple - Stealth to the spy, turn in. Accept next in chain, stealth to the tent right of the second boss. Sap, blind, loot 1st item, vanish. Wait for blind CD, sap, blind, loot 2nd item, die. Reset instance. Go back in and repeat for another 2 items, then again for one item and the chest. Hearth to Shatt, done. less than an hour.
Cleared Mech tonight with a PUG that started horribly but ended well. 2 droods, a good tank and a hunter. Died 8 times before the first boss, but then didn't die again until the red sorceress, who killed me twice before I realised that running away from the Fire Elementals is a good idea.
No loot (at all, not even greens) but completed the questline for the Arcatraz Key and Naaru Belt of Precision (an upgrade). Neato. As now Honoured with Sha'tar, also got the Warpforged Key.
Also respecced to 15/41/5 Combat Daggers. Only real thing I lose is the 2 second silence with Improved Kick. Shame that, but the backstab damage should go through the roof now. Just have to watch the aggro!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Cleared Mana Tombs tonight with Len, Mags and pug tank and pally. Len dinged 70 in the process, so bigups to him!
Also got Lower City Honoured (stupid Arakkoa Feathers) for the Auchenai Key - hooray! Heroic Tombs now! - and started grinding my Darnassus rep to Exalted so I can get a Frostsaber.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I've been obsessing over what shirt best matches my Kara gear. So far I've gone from the Stylish Black Shirt to the Rich Purple Silk Shirt, but now I'm wondering about the Master Builder's Shirt...
Going by my previous list, I have about half the gear now. Those I don't have are:
- MH/OH weapons - on the questlines (though I picked up Ced's Carver today at the AH for 40g, a nice intermediate)
- the Slayer's ring (though I have the almost-equivalent Overseer's Signet) - on the questline
- The Primal Intent set (chest/bracers/belt) - needs 375 LW and Primal Nethers
- The Fel Leather Leggings - grinding Revered with The Consortium (now Honoured)
So my current activity surrounds grinding Lower City and Consortium rep, and trying to get Bot/Mech/Arc/Slabs/heroics runs for the other bits. Joy! LW is now up to 355 and climbing slowly.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yes folks, it's all over. I hit 70 tonight.
This was the moment it happened - the last XP I will get until the new expansion.Following shortly after the ding (and many thanks to Temp who quested the last 100k XP with me) two others demonstrated the legendary generosity of the guild. Firstly, Crissie slipped me 500G to make up the difference for my flying mount, and Electricmonk slipped me 100G for my lv70 training. To say that I was grateful is a gross understatement. Anyone in any doubt about the values of TKT should know that it is alive and well.
To anyone that's ever helped me with a quest, thank you!
Now... to grind that Consortium rep...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Night Watchman
Yes that's right, it dropped off a trash mob in Netherstorm. Yes, I am a lucky git. Here's my Kara gear with the fancy new helm (though for PvE my original blue choice actually rates higher).
Monday, January 21, 2008
the family that WoW's together...
The relationship between Catheryna, a smokin' hot human female rogue, and Electricmonk, a sturdy human male rogue, was always going to be a little weird. After all, I'm married to Monk's sister IRL, whose name is Catherine, and who Catheryna was modelled on. Hence...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Kara Gear
Here is my preliminary gear list. Note that this is not my be-all and end-all, but is intended to be a target gear set that is reasonably easy to achieve without spending weeks grinding random boss drops and rep.
- Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight (I know Helm of the Claw is better for raw DPS, but see below about my bandanna/hood commitment)
- Earthen Mark of Razing
- Expedition Scout's Epaulets
- Primal Intent
- Fel Skin
- Kaylaan's Signet
- Slayer's Mark of the Redemption
- Bladefist's Breadth
- Insignia of the Alliance or Core of Ar'kelos
- Delicate Green Poncho
- Mama's Insurance
- Illidari-Bane Broadsword
- Ashtongue Blade
Most things, especially the weapons, are up for replacement if something better drops. I'll be running heroics to get the nethers for the Primal Intent, so there's every chance something nice will weasel its way into the list. However, this does give me a target to aim for!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
gearing up for Kara
I'm now spittin' distance from 69 and starting to think about gearing up for Kara. I found an absolutely tremendous guide at ShadowPanther.net for getting geared up without depending on boss drops - I'm aiming to have every slot at or near the top of that list. As a bonus, the gear I've chosen all looks pretty good in blacks, greys and purple. However, I did have to take a small hit on the headgear to keep my bandanna commitment. Such is the fate of a casual RP'er.
I've also started looking at weapons - initially both the Illidari-Bane Broadsword and Ashtongue Blade are available from SV quests, and that puts me solidly into a competitive DPS range. Better blades will follow, but these are decent places to start aiming for.
The hard part will be levelling Leatherworking to 375 and getting 30 Badges of Justice for the Primal Intent set! The rest is all quests (which I need to do for XP anyway) and grinding motes.
I have my plan... now to execute!