I have here re-posted the SSC Lurker Below CliffsNotes post from Roguespot, and appended my comments. Many thanks to Roguespot and the original author.
- Trash: Large groups. Greyheart Technicians are weak and stunnable, and don't hit very hard. Kill them first, with or without a tank on them. Once all the trash is dead, the water boils and kills the hungry fish. Groups include 2 caster types which heal. These will probably stay sheeped, but are susceptible to kick and KS.
- Boiling Water: 500 damage every 3 seconds. If you jump in the water, each jump causes 500 damage. If you're in the water, do not jump. Be careful when jumping back onto an island from the water not to panic and keep jumping if you miss - it's 500 damage each jump. Take an extra second to get it right.
- Poisons: Normal If you're the only rogue, Deadly is a good MH choice so you can continue doing some damage while running out for Whirls.
- Buffs: Unless you're a DPS god, you won't need Salv. Kings helps with surviving an unlucky Whirl/Geyser combo. Bring health pots.
- Phase 1: Lasts two minutes
- Whirl: Physical aoe to all in melee range. 3-4k damage, 5 yard knockback, 30 sec cooldown. BigWigs gives good warnings on the cooldown, but does not notify of the Whirl which always occurs immediately after a Spout. If you're on the outer part of the ring, you're safe from Whirl. Stand on the inner edge of the ring, so when whirl knocks you back, you won't fall off the island. OR watch the timer on whirlwind and backup to the edge of the island just before whirl, so it doesn't hit you at all. I recommend backing off to save your healer's mana, it's a long fight. See the pic below for the safe zone.
- Spout: Every 45 seconds, a water ray starts at the tank, slowly rotating in a random direction for a full turn. Over 6k damage with a huge knockback (over 30 yards). Run around the island to stay ahead of it, or drop into the water and go under so it passes overhead. You get hit with this, you're pretty much dead, and will be mocked as a tard by your raid. Easy way is to jump into the water in the centre of the ring while the spout passes overhead (it's ok if your head is bobbing out, you don't have to be completely underwater) - this way you can continue DPS. Just remember to get back out after the spout has passed so you don't get cleaned up by the Whirl.
- Geyser: Random single target for about 3k. Seems to pick you if you get whirled! Don't get whirled.
- Phase 2: Lasts one minute
- Lurker submerges and nine adds appear.
- Coilfang Ambushers (6) - Two on each outer island. Groups on those islands will take care of those. But they will ranged DPS you on the inner ring so watch your health.
- Coilfang Guardians (3) - Inner ring only. Assist off the tank. These cleave. The cleave will one shot you unless you're topped off. Don't get in front of these guys.
- Phase 1 and Phase 2 continue to alternate throughout the entire fight. On return from Phase 2, he always immediately does a spout then a whirl.
- Drops: Boots of Effortless Striking which probably won't be much use. The trash drops epics including LW recipes which are nice.
- Rotations: Now here's where there be dragons. Keep in mind I'm a die-hard dagger rogue. My general principles are these, in priority order:
- If SnD is down, get it up, even with 1 combo point (unless he's about to Whirl). 1 combo SnD should get you 16 sec SnD (with T4 and 3/3 Improved SnD) compared to roughly 33 sec with 5 combos. The Whirl timer is the thing that determines how many combos you need to use on SnD - don't use more than you need as they'll be wasted.
- Backstab. Don't SS or Shiv. Wait for it.
- If you have 5 combos up and Whirl is 25-30 sec off, SnD.
- If Whirl is impending, Shiv your combos up to 5 and Rupture.
- Otherwise if you have 5 combos up, Eviscerate for max damage.
- Rinse and repeat.

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