So that, appropriately enough, concludes the Burning Crusade for Cat. It's been quite a ride. What do I remember?
- Running through the Dark Portal for the first time.
- The Kara attunement chain.
- My very first Kara run, also my very first Pinnacle
run, and my very first raid. Prince and Nightbane. Malchazeen. - The grind for Mongoose mats that I ended up doing 4 times.
- 375 Leatherworking, and the Primal Intent set that I only finally laid to rest this week.
- Electricmonk, Tempalilacu, Quron, all the guys from
Pinnacle and the Knights Templar. - Crystalgypsy giving me most of the gold for my flying mount (thanks hun).
- The grind for, and eventual high from, my Swiftstrike Shoulders.
- Being useless in PvP.
- Getting Lurker down, and the fishing grind that I never used to fish him out.
- Rage Winterchill.
- Racing home from the airport with WoW on my laptop in the cab, talking over the Naj'entus fight, and then dropping him as soon as I walked into my house.
Lichy, you're on notice baby.

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