Sunday, November 02, 2008

messing with the nubs

I had a little bit of fun with Merry last night, helping my brother level his huntard.  Ploddy is a brand newbie to WoW and kinda digs on the PvP, so was getting into the duels with Merry and my youngest brother's pally.  All good, a good way to learn PvP in a safe environment.

At one point Ploddy and Merry had a duel and Merry just turned her back and allowed Ploddy to pew-pew her down so that Ploddy could get the duel achievement (throwing up a PW:S at 5% was my little way of messing with him).  I did laugh after the duel when he asked "so you let me win, right?" and offered to have a real duel with him.  Shadowform, Mind Blast, dead Huntard.  Rofls  all round.

Ploddy then thought that Ponendus was an easier target being only 7 levels higher and I saw the flag drop.  Figuring I'd make up for my recent incineration, I threw a sneaky Renew on Ploddy just before the duel began, effectively tripling his health for the fight.  It was a close fight, well done by both, and Ploddy emerged victorious by the slimmest of health margins.  Well, you should have heard the crowing!  Banging on about how awesome he was, how awesome his pet was, how crap Ponendus was, the general awesomeness of hunters in general, yada yada.  I had tears streaming from my eyes with laughter as I broke the news that he'd done it with triple health.  The following duel, on honest terms both, ended more predictably :)

Aaaah, messing with nubs...

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